The day I almost met Antonio Banderas…

and realized I did see Sean Lennon.
It goes back to when B and I spent the day in the city.  While on line at Mamouns, I noticed a young man standing behind me who looked an awful lot like Sean Lennon.  I wasn’t sure since I hadn’t seen a picture of him in a while and didn’t want to ask in case I was wrong.  This morning I read an item in Rolling Stone magazine about Sean’s upcoming projects which included a picture… sure enough, the same young man I’d seen.  I could kick myself for not having said anything but what do I say that he hasn’t heard hundreds, if not thousands, of times before?  How can I convey how much his father’s music means to me?  I’m happy enough knowing that for a brief moment in my life, I came about as close as I could ever get to John.
Later, B pointed out a Learning Annex catalog with Antonio Banderas on the cover…. he knows I have a crush on him and I’ve joked that Antonio is the only man I’d cheat on B with (ummm yeah right AS IF I would ever get that chance).  As I’m fond of saying, with that sexy accent, the man can read the dictionary and make it sound hot.  I grab the catalog and read that Antonio will take part in a Q&A, with Joel Siegel and the movie’s director, after a preview of his movie "Taking the Lead".  Guess who signed up for the course when she got home later that evening?     B will be away on his friend’s wedding cruise so if I can’t be with one hot guy, why not settle for seeing another and *gasp* possibly asking him a question? 
Fast forward to late this afternoon… I was one of the first 25 in the line, waiting to get into the AMC theater on 42nd Street… making idle chit chat with other Antonio fans including a few grandmothers who were armed with pictures for him to sign.  After checking in and going through security (they made us turn off our cell phones), I manage to grab a seat in the first row.  I am sooooo psyched right up till the moment a Learning Annex rep steps up in front of the theater to inform us that…
#1 Joel Seigel was rushed to the hosptial earlier that day but is expected to recover and be released later in the week (OK well, it sucks for Joel and I hope he gets well soon but he’s not who I signed up to see)
#2 Since Joel won’t be there, ABC didn’t send their cameras to tape the Q&A (Great… they’d probably obstruct my view of Antonio anyway)
#3 Since the cameras won’t be there, neither will Antonio (What!!!????  You mean he won’t show up for his fans!!???  I am sooooo disillusioned.   )
#4 The good news is that the Learning Annex will refund us 25 dollars (which is 5 dollars more than course fee) plus we can attend another screening for 5 dollars.  Oh, and at least the movie director didn’t bail out on us… she’ll do the Q&A after the movie.
After the annoucement, about 1/4 of the theater emptied.  I figured, what the heck, at least I get to watch a movie for free in a nice, comfy theater with reclining stadium seats.  I have to admit the plot was formulaic (think "Dangerous Minds" meets "Shall We Dance") but the music and dancing were entertaining… a nice, feel-good movie. 
I think B can now rest assured that, even if Antonio were to summon me for a weekend escape, I won’t stray.  Antonio stood me up once… I won’t let him do it again.
But don’t let my disppointment keep you from checking out the movie. 

About EmilyD

Now in my 50's and still a work in progress. Proud, happy mom of 2 wonderful kids who are married to equally wonderful people. Patiently waiting on grandchildren to spoil. In love with, and happily engaged to, my best friend and looking forward to the rest of the journey on this planet by his side.
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1 Response to The day I almost met Antonio Banderas…

  1. Wendy says:

    Stood you?  you mean stood you against a wall and had his way with you???  😛

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